Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Summary - Evening edition

Hi everybody, hi Sunday!
How are you doing today? I'm doing just fine, but I'm very very tired - I've been hard at work outside in the Swedish garden all day and now is the first we're done with all the chores. So because of that, today's Sunday Summary is very late - I hope you understand.

Anyway, this week was very slow and uneventful up until Friday, where I travelled to Sweden with my folks.
My mum was dropped off by my dad Friday morning, and so therefore we decided on a delicious breakfast. We invited my grandmum by, and the three of us had a very nice couple of hours. When my grandmum left, me and my mum just relaxed for a couple of hours before we took the train to Copenhagen. After a little while, my dad came and picked us up, and then we journeyed to Sweden.
The ride seemed kinda long this time - perhaps because I drove most of the way, perhaps because I hadn't really had so much sleep, or perhaps because it was very hot... I'm sure it's all of the above. Anyway, we arrived at the house at around 9, and after unpacking the car for a while, I just took some time off by myself, relaxing and watching Modern Family.

Yesterday, Saturday, was very hot and sunny. After sleeping in for a while I helped our around the garden for a little while, and then I went for a long bike ride around the Swedish countryside - I stopped by the very idyllic, very Swedish lake and lay in the grass for a while, reading a book. And then I drove on back home, lay in the sun for a while and then just helped out around the house and in the garden.

And today... aaaah, today. Today has been all about doing "chores" outside in the garden. I got up at 9, we ate a nice breakfast outside, and then we started working... and working and working and working. It only became hotter as the day progressed, but I'm not complaining! It was actually very nice just mowing the lawn, arrange the flowerbeds, rake the leaves and so on. Then a little later - or actually not so long ago - I took a quick shower, put on some makeup, and the we walked the short way to Bygdegården - a towns house here in our small, Swedish town, where people take turns hosting every Sunday. There's coffee, delicious cake and good company, and it was, after all, nice with a break from all the garden work. Then, after about an hour of that, we drove to Åseda - the nearest town - to get water, do a little grocery shopping and have a softice.
And now we're finally home, every grocery item is stored, and some of our Swedish neighbors just stopped by. My mum and dad are with them outside in the garden, but I decided to take a break inside the old house, so I could write this post.

And that's about it for today.
I promise you I'll be back during this forthcoming week,
with more idyllic pictures from this lovely Summer in Sweden

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