Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sunday Summary

When I'm on holiday, I always wonder where the time flies off to. I mean, I feel like I've just witten a Sunday Summary, and here I am again, writing yet another one. Oh well, I guess that's just how things are. Anyway, it's Sunday yet again, so let's get started with this weeks Sunday Summary.


I know it's been very quiet here for the past week, but I've just forgotten all about the real world and relaxed - well, most of the time anyway. From Monday to Wednesday I was burried in homework. I had a lot of German homework to do, both for school in Roskilde and school in Copenhagen. Luckily I managed to get it all done, and then...


... Thursday, I could suddenly celebrate 2 years sober. It's so weird to remember my life back when I was an alcoholic - it's like a whole other life. Anyway, now I'm happier than ever, and it's all thanks to not drinking alcohol. That day we took a quick trip to Växjö and then later a drive though the Swedish countryside. So lovely.


Friday was a quiet day. My mum and dad had the neighbors over in the evening, and I just stayed in, drinking coffee and watching Beverly Hills 90210 by the fire. Here in Sweden - and Denmark too - we're celebrating Easter this weekend, but there's no sign of Spring weather outside. There's loads af snow on the ground, and it's been snowing every day since we came here last Friday. Don't get me wrong, it is very pretty and idyllic to look at, and it is nice to light up a fire in the fireplace BUT I just want Spring already. For crying out loud, tomorrow's April 1st! Oh well, unfortunately the weather is one thing you just can't control.


Yesterday was very lazy. I stayed in most of the day - apart from taking a quick walk in the sunshine with my mum - and relaxed. I watched a lot of Beverly Hills 90210 and took a nap - haha, I can't even remember how long it's been since I've taken a nap in the middel of the day without being sick. Anyway, I sure am living on the Wild side ;)


And yes, it's already Sunday again. Today the plan is to pack, cause we're going home tomorrow - such a shame, although I am kinda looking forward to get back home to my own place. But I still wouldn't say no to another weeks vacation, haha.


Have a lovely Sunday y'all!




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