Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Summary

This week has been kinda slow 
- not that it hasn't been good, but I'm kinda going crazy 
just seeing the inside of my apartment. 
But I'm getting ahead of myself :)

Monday I went to school, and I wore an outfit that I really love
I felt great, so the day had to be great too. 
Well, it was :) Nothing special happened, but it's still great just to go and 
hang out with the gang and have a few laughs. 

But Tuesday, I got a little set back. 
I woke up with a huge case of stye in my right eye 
- I looked like freakin' Quasimodo! 
Not wanting to show my circusfreak-like face in public,
I chose to stay home from school Thursday
- hence the lack of OOTD posts this week. 
There's something about a "sick" day; 
at first you kinda like to sit in your pajama in front of the telly, 
but after a couple of hours, you're like 'Can we get on with the program?' 
- or is that just me? Anyway, that's what I always feel like when I take a sick day. 
I love it, but then I get bored. 

Which leads me to the weekend.
I got so bored just sittin' around doing nothing
(but tend to my swollen eye - I know, isn't it just so "romantic" haha ;)) 
So I got up, and decided to move some stuff around in my apartment. 
Back in the good old days, I used to move my
furniture around about once every two months. 
But a little over a year ago, I finally found the right way, and since then, 
I haven't done any 'moving around' so to speak. 
But yesterday I just thought it was time for a change, 
and so I moved everything around. 
And let me tell you; it's like a whole new apartment! 
Once I got started, I couldn't stop, so I also sorted out all of the things 
I don't use in my kitchen, and then I cleaned the whole place up. 
Again, it's like a whole new apartment ;) 

And finally today. 
I've been at my grandma's most of the day, 
where my sister, her fiancée and their little baby girl also stopped by. 
Not that much to rapport; we had a nice time catching up 
and watching little baby Selma doing all kinds of new stuff. 

So that's my week, but how about yours? 

Denne uge har været lidt langsom
- ikke at den har været dårlig, men jeg er bare ved at blive skør af 
at se indersiden af min lejlighed, haha. Men det kommer jeg til :)

Jeg følte mig godt tilpas, så dagen måtte blive god.
Well, det var den også ;) Der skete ikke noget specielt,
men det er altid skønt at komme og hænge ud med gruppen og grine en masse.

Men tirsdag gik det så lidt ned ad bakke.
Jeg vågnede op med et kæmpe bygkorn i mit højre øje 
- seriøst, jeg lignede freakin' Quasimodo!
Da jeg ikke havde lyst til at vise mit circusfreak fjæs i offentligheden,
valgte jeg at blive hjemme fra skole torsdag 
- dette er også grunden til de manglende OOTD posts.
Der er altså noget ved "syge" dage;
først er det vildt skønt at kunne sidde hjemme 
i sin pyjamas og se tv midt på dagen,
men efter et par timer er det virkelig 
'Nåh, hvad så nu?' agtigt -eller er det bare mig?
Det er ihvertfald sådan jeg altid har det med syge dage;
jeg elsker det, men efter et par timer keder jeg mig helt vildt.

Hvilket fører mig til weekenden.
Jeg kedede mig så meget, da jeg ikke lavede andet end at sidde på min flade 
(samt passe mit øje - I know, "romantisk", ikke?;))
Så jeg besluttede mig for at rykke lidt om i lejligheden.
I 'de gode gamle dage' plejede jeg at rykke rundt 
på møblerne mindst en gang hver anden måned,
men for lidt over et år siden fandt jeg en måde at stille alle tingene på, 
som jeg egentlig var ret tilfreds med. 
Men i går syntes jeg så det var tid til lidt forandring, så jeg rykkede alt om. 
Det er blevet enormt fedt, og det følels lidt som en helt ny lejlighed :)
Da jeg først var i gang, kunne jeg ikke rigtig stoppe, 
så jeg endte med også at sortere i alle mine køkkenting, 
samt gjorde rent i hele lejligheden.
Ih, her er dejligt at være, haha ;)

Og endelig er vi kommet til i dag.
Jeg har været hjemme hos min mormor, 
hvor min søster, hendes forlovede og deres lille pige også kom forbi. 
Der er ikke så meget at fortælle, 
andet end at vi hyggede i nogle timer 
og så på lille baby Selma, som godt nok er ved at blive stor. 

Så det er min uge på skrift. Hvordan var jeres?

1 comment:

  1. 1."So I got up, and decided to move some stuff around in my apartment." Who didn't,,
    2."But a little over a year ago, I finally found the right way, and since then" Ha, just you wait!
    3."I also sorted out all of the things
    I don't use in my kitchen, and then I cleaned the whole place up" Really like'. Here's some thoughts, from my friend the astrologer, who is like a friend, to chat with. Se you:::
    "January 13: Venus trines Saturn, conjuncts Neptune and enters Pisces
    This is a busy day for the relationship planet, Venus! Don't worry if you're saying goodbye to old friends, since you'll find that new social or business acquaintances will turn out to have more in common with you than you originally thought. Venus's trine to Saturn brings stability to your relationships, as well as support from people in positions of authority. Meanwhile, Venus's conjunction to Neptune brings romance, so open your heart and make the most of this dreamy energy! Then, as love planet Venus enters soulful Pisces, the romantic theme continues, making this a great time to either meet your soul mate or strengthen the spiritual bonds of your existing relationship.

    January 14: Venus sextiles Jupiter
    Venus and Jupiter are respectively known as the lesser and greater benefic, and are considered by many astrologers to be the most helpful planets. When they connect by aspect, opportunities are everywhere! Your personal and business relationships are helped by this influence and can help you achieve greater success. But this is also a fun aspect, making for a wonderful time to dine at your favorite restaurant, go to a movie or join friends for a night out. If you're single, you have a good chance of meeting someone; if you're in a committed relationship, this aspect will help you rekindle your romance.

    January 19: The Sun squares Saturn
    This aspect occurs four times each year, offering a valuable opportunity to weed out superfluous activities and get a good, clear-eyed look at impractical plans and ideas. The Sun's placement in Capricorn shines a light on your ambitions, while Saturn reminds you that you'll be pushed forward if you cultivate relationships. Who's helping you? Who's working against you? Take time to figure this out and make smart, informed decisions that will help with your long-term goals."

    Your Starcast for December 21 - January 19 Highlights []
